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Rain or Shine
Welcome (3:57)
Recommended Reading (9:50)
Nature Backpack Ideas (2:38)
Goal Setting 101 (3:34)
Build a family culture that values the outdoors
Overview (1:46)
Write a family mission statement (6:58)
Establish family rhythms (8:39)
Be prepared for adventure (5:44)
Follow your child's lead
Nature Walk 101
Making it happen: Practical tips
A paradigm shift: Having a "say yes" attitude (10:04)
Determining your season (4:20)
Tolerating the weather (12:21)
Take everyday activities outside
More ways to be inspired by nature
Creating a Nature-Inspired Play Space at Home (10:48)
Choosing the Best Playgrounds (7:41)
Ways to Bring the Outdoors In (11:00)
Being a Nature Mentor
Teacher vs Mentor (4:29)
How to use field guides (6:23)
The art of sit spotting (5:25)
Be a student
Nature Adventures
How to structure unstructured, free play (5:25)
The importance of group play (8:11)
Be a hummingbird parent: Letting kids be kids (4:46)
Recipe for a nature adventure (4:26)
Making the Outdoors a Lifestyle
Invest time into a family hobby
Nature rhythms for the Family (2:28)
Keeping a nature journal
Thank You! (0:52)
Nature Walk 101
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